Hello World! I'm not sure this is the best website in the world, and definitely this is not a best UI, but I'm very glad that it happened.

I spent a lot of time to understand what actually I do want on our website (our - me and my bro) and it was like we don't want super duper UI, we won't post blog posts a lot, we are not outsource company or smth like this. I just want some kind of online presence and I want to use my domain rynkov.eu.

As a developer i wanted to learn something new that i didn't before, so this website was built with the next tech stack:

  1. React

  2. Gatsby

  3. MDX (the page is rendered from MDX)

  4. Markdown editor and preview. Live coding here, yeah!

I think it was a nice journey and I hope this website will be updated soon.